Yoga For Sleep: Do this yoga before sleeping at night, you will get good sleep in just 15 minutes
This Yogasan should be done before bedtime, due to which you will get good sleep soon.
Even after being tired throughout the day, if you do not sleep at night and you keep on turning, it can have a negative effect on your health. At the same time, if you are resorting to some pills and medicines, then it will also cause great harm to your health. Sleep problems can be caused by some shortcomings in your time table. However for good sleep you can also resort to Yogasan.
By doing yoga yoga you will activate your brain for sleeping activity due to which you can sleep quickly. Not only this, it can also activate your brain to increase sleeping hormone. Now let us know about the process of doing this yoga asana, knowing the reason for fast sleep.
here are many postures of yoga asana which will make you sleep well. But if we talk about the Yogasan done before going to sleep at night, which will make you sleepy in a short time, then the name of that Yogasan is Shavasana. There has also been many research on Shavasan Yoga, which has provided evidence that if you do yoga asana for 5 to 10 minutes before going to sleep, you can get fast sleep. It is also known as Corpse Pose.
Actually your body remains in a corpse-like position in the posture of shavasana. In this situation, when you breathe in and out, it reduces your stress and also calms your nervous system. According to scientific studies, it also activates sleeping hormones and sleeping cells, due to which you can sleep quickly. It is very easy to do and you can do it easily on a yoga net by the side of your bed before sleeping. If you do not have a yoga mat, you can also lay it on your bed. How to do Shavasan Yoga
- First of all take a yoga mat and lie on your back.
- Now spread both your legs, keep a distance of at least 1-1.5 feet between them.
- If your hand is affixed to your body, then remove both hands away from your body.
- Now allow your body to completely relax.
- Now breathe slowly and release slowly.
- Do this process continuously for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
- Remember that during this time do not think about anything and concentrate only on your yoga asana.
- You can do this yoga yoga every day before sleeping.

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