World Hepatitis Day: Silent killer is hepatitis, learn about its symptoms, types and prevention.

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Hepatitis is a deadly disease. There is swelling in the liver. Lack of timely treatment leads to liver cirrhosis and later liver cancer. Every year millions of people die from hepatitis. Hepatitis patients are at higher risk of corona. Due to Kovid-19 in its patients, the disease is not controlled. The risk of life increases greatly. Special care should be taken by every patient of hepatitis. Celebrates World Hepatitis Day on 28 July every year. This year’s theme is ‘Future of Hepatitis’.
What is Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an inflammation in the liver caused by a virus infection. It is usually spread by viral infection but can also cause hepatitis through other means, such as autoimmune hepatitis (when our body starts making anti-bodies in the liver) and hepatitis caused by medication, drugs, toxins and alcohol.
Symptoms of hepatitis
Fatigue, flu-like symptoms, increased urination, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, yellowing of the skin and eyes like jaundice, symptoms of chronic hepatitis do not appear quickly and clearly.
Types of hepatitis
Hepatitis A
It is the most common hepatitis. It is transmitted by contaminated water and food. The infected patient heals quickly. They do not require any special antiviral medicine.
Hepatitis B
It is dangerous. Its virus is caused by the body fluids of a person infected with Hepatitis B like blood, vaginal secretions, semen etc.
Hepatitis C
This disease is caused by contact with the body fluids of an infected person. According to an estimate, 1–15 million people in India are infected by it.
Hepatitis D
This hepatitis, known as delta hepatitis, is a serious liver disease. The infection is caused by exposure to infected blood.
Hepatitis E
It is a type of hepatitis spread through infected water. There is usually a lack of cleanliness. Hepatitis E virus is also present in human feces.
Hepatitis is a silent disease
The symptoms of this disease were very late. By the time symptoms appear, 60-70% of the liver becomes impaired. It takes 10-15 years. Those who have undergone surgery, had an accident, or have a family history, they should undergo screening once a year.
The most frightening thing is that the patient does not know that he is infected with this virus. This is because there are no symptoms. If this virus is not treated, it can also cause serious diseases like liver cancer.
Hepatitis prevention
Take special care of cleanliness. Use a sterilizing needle for a tattoo. Build a safe physical relationship. Do not share your toothbrush and razor with anyone. Do not consume alcohol or consume it in very small amounts.
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