In view of this, some countries are working to improve the environment with great sincerity and readiness. The MIT Technology Review has released a list of 76 countries in the world. The top countries in this list have been continuously working to make the environment good. Iceland, Denmark, Norway, France, and Ireland are ranked first to fifth in the Green Future Index released by MIT Technology.

Iceland and Denmark have worked in the direction of fossil fuels, while Iceland has done commendable work on carbon emissions. France has done excellent work on the development of the hydrogen industry. At the bottom of the list are Russia, Paraguay and Qatar. 15 of the top 20 countries in this list are in Europe. In non-European countries, the best work is that of Costa Rica (seventh) and New Zealand (वांthi )n).

Five parameters were taken into consideration when releasing the Green Future Index. These scales were carbon emissions, energy transition, green society or citizens’ resolve to improve the environment, innovation in clean energy, and climate policy.

India’s position better in Asian countries

India’s position in Asian countries is better in the Green Future Index. India is at 21st position in this list. India’s position in the index is much better than China and Pakistan. While China is at number 45 in the index, Pakistan is at 67. Bangladesh is at number 69. Malaysia and Indonesia are at number 56 and 57 respectively.

This is how Earth Day started

Earth Day was established by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in the form of environmental education in 1970, after which the practice of celebrating Earth Day started. It is said that in America this day is known as Tree Day. At the same time, US Senator Gaylord Nelson is known as Father of Earth Day. It is the largest public awareness movement in the world, in which billions of citizens from 192 countries together take part and vow to conserve the earth. On this day, there is spring in North Pole and Autumn in the South Pole.

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