Work From Home Drink: Make these drinks at home in lockdown, will relieve stress
If you are constantly working while sitting at home, then maybe it is also increasing stress, which is being told here to drink a drink, it can also benefit you.

It is difficult to say how long the lockdown will last beyond 21 days in the midst of the rapidly growing infection of the corona virus. In such a situation, many people have to work from home, due to which stress can also increase. However, to reduce stress, you can also take a drink, which can prove to be very beneficial for you.
In fact, due to continuous work from home, you may have to be two or four from stress, because for those who are away from home and living alone in their room or flat, work from home can also be stressful. Can. However, to overcome it, you can see its benefits by using this drink.
Drinking milk and honey drinks can be very beneficial for you to relieve stress. Research conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has given information that honey has such special medicinal properties, by its consumption, it actively helps in curing many types of mental problems. Can do.
Yes, studies have shown that honey has the properties to induce brain function to function actively. Along with this, it can also help to overcome stress. You can get benefit by drinking honey mixed in hot. You will not have any problem to make this drink, because you can easily buy honey and milk during lockdown.
Ingredients – 1 glass
- 1 glass of milk
- Honey 1 teaspoon
- Now you can consume it.
- First of all heat the milk thoroughly.
- Now take the milk out in a glass and pour honey over it
- Now mix them well together.
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