Weight Control Nighttime drinks: Night drinks that detox the body as well as control weight.

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Weight Control Nighttime drinks Night time drinks will not only reduce your weight but will also detox your body.

New Delhi, Lifestyle Desk. If you are worried about increasing weight, then first of all follow strict rules regarding your diet. We Indians have a habit of skipping breakfast often, having lunch and breakfast together, and making dinner the night before. Our habit is responsible for our increasing weight.

To control the weight, first of all, improve your diet routine, you should have dinner till 8 o’clock. Use bedtime drinks at night to lose weight. There are many drinks that are used at night to reduce weight. Let us tell you about two easy drinks that can help in your weight loss. They are very easy to make. These drinks will not only reduce your weight but will also detox your body.

Cucumber and Celery Smoothie:

Cucumbers and celery are essential summer ingredients that contain a lot of hydrating ingredients. In summer, when you feel bloated or don’t feel like eating anything, drink cucumbers and thyme juice. It can detox your body system and correct your metabolism. Cucumber and celery juice also helps in reducing your weight. It controls sugar as well as maintains digestion. Not only this, it can help in removing toxins and excess fluids from the body.

How to make cucumber smoothie



Lemon juice


Put chopped saline and parsley in a blender and blend well. To enhance the taste, you can drink lemon juice by adding it.

Fenugreek drinks:

Fenugreek is an easy-to-find spice in your kitchen that is very beneficial for your health. It improves your digestion and works to burn fat from the body. They also have antioxidant properties. Drinking a glass of fenugreek water at any time of the day can increase the body’s immunity.


Boil one cup of water and when the water boils, add one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. Boil it till the color of fenugreek seeds turns light. Remove to cup and drink. To enhance its taste, jaggery powder can be added to it.

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