Son of Sonam Kapoor, Vayu, with Nana On the celebration of his father's birthday, Anil Kapoor posted previously unreleased images, to the adoration of his followers.
On the celebration of his 40th birthday, actor Anil Kapoor sent his son-in-law, producer Karan Boolani, his most heartfelt wishes.
A timeless black suit, a powder blue shirt, and a black tie are seen on Anil Kapoor. Rhea wore an eccentric outfit in a dark green colour.
Sonam Kapoor shares an unreleased photo of her and baby Vayu on Anil Kapoor's 66th birthday, and Sunita Kapoor writes a passionate remark. See this
To Sonam Kapoor's post, fans are reacting nonstop. Fans and celebrities alike are wishing him a happy birthday by commenting on this.