Mahesh Babu The well-known Telugu actor, who has starred in a number of successful movies like "Pokiri" and "Athadu," is a passionate fitness fanatic and has never been seen drinking in public.
Suriya In films like "Ghajini," Tamil actor Suriya has repeatedly dazzled viewers with superb performances. He abstains from drinking and has taken a leading role in anti-alcohol efforts.
With his outstanding performances in films like "Baahubali," Prabhas has become well-known throughout India. He is reputed to lead a healthy lifestyle and is a non-drinker and non-smoker.
Samantha Ruth has acted in films in Tamil and Telugu, including "Oh Baby," "Super Deluxe," and "Majili." She promotes living a healthy lifestyle and ostensibly avoids drinking alcohol.
Kajal Aggarwal She is a well-known actress who has appeared in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu films. She is renowned for her gorgeous on-screen personas and has made it known that she does not smoke or drink.
Allu Arjun 442 Telugu actor Allu Arjun gained recognition for his amazing work in films like "Arya" and "Julayi." He doesn't drink and places a high value on living a healthy lifestyle.