On February 7, Kiara Advani and actor Siddharth Malhotra of Bollywood wed. In front of their loved ones and close friends, the couple got married at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
Today in Mumbai, Siddharth and Kiara are throwing their second reception. He already gave his debut reception in Delhi. At the five-star St. Regis hotel in Mumbai, he is giving GREAT GRAND today.
For the wedding reception, Kiara and Sidharth arrived in style. Sidharth complimented Kiara's elegant black and white gown with a stylish black suit.
At the reception, Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are spotted in a really pretty dress. They are dressed similarly in black and white. Throughout this, Kiara is sexy as hell.
Many prominent movie stars were present at Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani's reception. Siddharth and Kiara could be seen greeting the visitors during this time.
When Kajol and Ajay Devgan arrived at the gathering, they gave the newlyweds hugs and expressed their congratulations. Ajay Devgan was dressed in a grey suit.