Ruhaanika Dhawan, a child actor from Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, bought a lavish home worth ₹15 crores, in Mumbai at the age of 15, and she shared the exciting news on social media.
On Sunday, Ruhaanika posted the good news to her followers on Instagram. The actor posted several images of her new home as well as with her parents.
In her thank-you card, Ruhaanika, who had a significant part in Ekta Kapoor's romantic serial Ye Hai Mohabbatein, acknowledged her parents and said, "With the blessings of Waheguru ji and my parents.
In addition, she also made a cameo appearance in the Sunny Deol and Salman Khan film Jai Ho and Ghayal Once Again.
Ruhaanika claimed that it was her mother's generosity that allowed her to purchase a home. because his mum saved her income and somehow increased her income.
She said that ‘This is just the beginning, the actress continues. I've got enormous dreams. Why can't you if I can? Continue to dream and work for your goals; they will definitely materialise one day.
With the role of Ruhi in yeh hai Mohabbatein , she was able to enter every home and win over many hearts. Ruhaanika succeeds at managing her schoolwork and shooting.