Hemlock water The water hemlock has been referred to as "the most violently toxic plant in North America." It includes lethal cicutoxin, which, if accidentally consumed, can quickly cause fatal symptoms.
Snakeroot in white This plant produces white blossoms that are poisonous trematol alcohol. Human health issues and even death might come from eating poisoned livestock's meat and milk.
Tobacco Tobacco leaves, one of the most extensively cultivated non-food plants in the world, contain the deadly alkaloids nicotine and anabasine.
Oleander Oleandrin and neriine, two deadly substances found in all sections of the oleander plant, are capable of causing vomiting, diarrhoea, irregular heartbeat, seizures, coma, and even death.
Castor bean is an African native, and the seeds of this plant naturally contain the toxin ricin, which is lethal in small doses. One or two seeds are all it takes to kill a kid.
Killer Nightshade The drab foliage and vivid black berries of this plant are its defining features. The plant's stems, leaves, berries,