Hiraba Modi, the mother of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, passed away in Ahmedabad on Friday at the age of 100-year old. Amit Shah Rajnath Singh and Yogi Adityanath pay respect to the late Hiraba Modi.

Hiraba, the mother of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, passed away today. At Ahmedabad's UN Mehta Hospital, Hiraba, 100-year-old hiraba, passed away.

The PM shared this information this morning via his Twitter account and stated that he would always remember his mother's advice to work carefully and lead a pure life.

PM Modi and mother Hiraba share many memorable moments, but the one that gets the most attention is when Modi is fed by his mother with her own hands.

In a blog post celebrating his mother's 100th birthday, the PM made a number of surprises about Hiraba. The PM had made reference to the mother's simplicity at the time.

PM Modi's bond with Hiraba was evident whenever he saw his mother. PM would occasionally sit at his feet, and other times, he would be seen laughing and joking with him.

Amit Shah, the home minister, tweeted about Hiraba Modi's passing. "The news of the passing of Modiji's renowned Mataji Hira Ba is really painful," Shah posted.

For a son, mother is the whole world. The death of a mother is an unbearable and irreparable loss for a son. The demise of respected mother of respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is very sad.