UP Board Exam 2020: Examination of 56 lakh candidates in exam Kumbh begins today
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Council’s High School and Intermediate 2020 examination of the world’s largest examination board has started from Tuesday. There are more than 56 lakh candidates from all over the state in this examination of UP board. This time too, the government and board administration have made effective arrangements to prevent duplication. There was a gathering of parents with the examinees outside the examination centers since morning. The UP board exam will start from February 18 and run till March 6.
Examination Preparation Test Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Dinesh Sharma along with Minister of State for Secondary Education Gulab Devi and Principal Secretary Secondary Education Aradhana Shukla along with top officials of Education Department also visited several examination centers in Lucknow. For the first time, the UP Board will conduct online monitoring of the examination centers in a hi-tech manner. 395 highly sensitive and 938 sensitive examination centers will be closely watched. Static magistrates are posted at such centers. The high school examination will last for 12 days (till March 3) and the exam for the inter will last for 15 days. The duration of both the examinations has decreased this time, because in previous years, the high school has been running 14 days and the inter exam for 16 days.
The UP board examinations are starting with a Hindi question paper. Today in high school, there will be preliminary Hindi examination in morning shift and in second shift there will be intermediate general Hindi examination. Being a compulsory subject, all the candidates will participate in both. The morning shift is from eight o’clock and the second shift is from two o’clock. The examinees arrived before the appointed time.
7786 equipped with examination center facilities
All the 7786 examination centers in the state have been equipped with facilities. CCTV cameras, voice recorders, highspeed broadband and DVD routers have also been installed in the examination halls. There will be online monitoring of the centers through web casting through internet. By entering the ID and password of the examination center, the condition of every room can be known. For this, control room has been made at state headquarters and district headquarters. From there it will be monitored from moment to moment. In this, sensitive and highly sensitive centers will remain on target.
Two helpline numbers and a Twitter account
The UP board has released two helpline numbers and a Twitter account for the first time. Answer sheets are made in four colors to prevent copying. Sewing answer sheets have also been sent to many districts. UP Board has created a Twitter account with the handle @ upboardexam2020 to solve any type of problem of the candidates immediately. Apart from this, the candidates can tell their problems by using the hashtag # upboardexam2020. Board officials will keep an eye on social media and try to solve problems quickly. Apart from this, two helpline numbers 1800-180-5310 and 1800-180-5312 have also been issued.
Four thousand examinees already out
Answer book, question paper and admit card have been provided by the board administration in all the districts. 433 colleges have already been debuted. At the same time, the list of disqualified candidates in the regional offices has also been prepared, the Meerut and Bareilly regional offices have excluded about four thousand candidates. At the same time, officers of the education department have been posted as supervisors in every district.
Test takers bring it together
Candidates should bring the admit card issued by the board to the candidates, class-9 registration card to the high school students and the inter-candidate registration card of class-11. Apart from this, he should bring with him an Aadhar card or any other identity card issued by the government. At the same time, transparent geometry box and water bottle can also be brought with you to the examination hall. While any type of study material, mobile, headphones, calculator, smart watch, bag and other electronic devices affecting the examination are not allowed at the examination center.
Examinees arrive on time
Secretary UP Board Nina Srivastava said that as per the intention of the government, all preparations for making UP board examinations unscathed and peaceful have been completed. Examiners arrived on time at scheduled centers.
Total examinees
High School – 3025442
Inter – 2586247
Total – 5611689
Exam time
High School – 8.00 to 11.15
Inter – 2.00 to 5.15.