Unnao: Three Girls Found in the field in Unconsciousness two died
In Unnao district, there was a stir on Wednesday when three teenagers were found tied to clothes in an unconscious state in a field.
Two of them have died while one girl is undergoing treatment in the hospital.
Unnao Superintendent of Police Sureshrao Kulkarni told the BBC, “This is a case of the Asoha police station area. Unnao Three girls were found unconscious on their own farm, and all three had their hands tied. They were sent to the hospital where two young girls Have died. One is undergoing treatment. “
He told, “Prima facie it has come to light that the three girls had gone to the field to cut grass. Poisoning has also come to light. Foam etc. has also been found at the scene. The whole matter is being investigated.”
What has been revealed so far?
Three girls were found unconscious in a field late Wednesday evening in Baburaha village of Asoha police station area.
Three girls from Baburaha village had gone to the farm on Wednesday afternoon to get fodder for cattle but when they did not return till late evening, they were searched. When all the three women were found unconscious on the village farm, they were rushed to the hospital.
In this, two real sisters and one cousin are being told. Unnao Three girls
Vishal, the brother of two of the three real sisters, told Ravi, a local journalist in Kanpur, “All three girls went to seek fodder when they did not return home when the three went to find them, all three were found in a field unconsciously tied with clothes Was. Two of the three are my sisters and one is the daughter of an uncle. We had no enmity with anyone. “
Local journalist Ravi has told that CMS doctor Bibi Bhatt of Unnao’s district hospital male has confirmed that the condition of a girl who survives is very critical.
Doctor Bhatt told that when the girl was brought to the hospital, the foam was coming out of her mouth and it seems that this has happened after eating disinfectant.
The police are investigating under what circumstances the girls have consumed poisonous substances or have been poisoned by someone.
According to Superintendent of Police, Kulkarni, every aspect is being investigated. Immediately after the incident, several officers including DM and SP of Unnao reached the occasion. A large number of police have been deployed in the village.
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