This nurse killed 85 patients, Know what was done by Court
This nurse killed 85 patients, Know what was done by Court?

Oldenburg, ANI Serial killer, and former nurse Niels Holegel were sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday for killing 85 patients. Judge Sebastian Bohraman, pronouncing the judgment of Germany’s Niels Hoelel, said that ‘your crime is unimaginable.’ 42-year-old Hogel fired 100 patients during duty. Hogley acknowledged his crime saying he had done all these events from 2000 to 2005. All of the 100 killed were 34 to 96 years of age.
Hooge has already been serving life imprisonment for 6 offenses. Hoogly allegations that he was not even told by doctors that his patients were given the medicine, he would give them medicine there. After hearing in the District Court in Oldenberg on Wednesday, Hodgeel addressed the relatives and their friends of the victims. 42-year-old Hogel said addressing him, “I want to apologize to all of you sincerely, I am ashamed of my crime. It is important that the prosecution has proved to be more than 130 dead bodies Remnants had to be removed from the graves.
While working in a clinic in Oldenburg and in a hospital in Dalmahrost, Hodgeel intentionally made a victim of cardiac arrest in patients by injection with some medicines. Then he revived them all to win the praise. But many of Hogel’s stunts got damaged and the patients died.