These important changes in diet will have to be done to reduce bad cholesterol from the body

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The lesser the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, the more healthy you will be, so do not ignore this thing. Of course, fried and fried things seem more tasty in food, but when it comes to health, it is good to stay away from these things as much as possible. So to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, you can know about the necessary changes in the diet ..
How to rescue
1 . Use limited amounts of butter and ghee-oil. Use nonstick utensils for cooking.
Stay away from smoking Cigarette smoke narrows the inner walls of blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of cholesterol accumulation there.
2 . Stay away from canned foods, sea food and junk food.
3 . Include oatmeal, oats, bran flour, besides fibrous fruits like papaya, orange, guava and green vegetables in the diet. The fiber present in these is helpful in reducing bad cholesterol.
4 . Add almonds, walnuts and chia seeds to your diet. Research has proved that their consumption is very beneficial for health.
5 . If you like to eat eggs, then only eat the white part of it.
6 . Items like fenugreek, turmeric and garlic also reduce cholesterol levels.
7 . Vitamins C available in oranges, grapefruit, pears and gooseberries also work to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood vessels.
8 . Vitamin B and vitamin E are also helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. For this, include green peas, beans, cowpea, turnips, tomatoes and grapes prominently in your food.
9 . Control weight loss by simplistic eating, but avoid crash dieting.
10 . Make morning walk yoga and exercise an essential part of your daily routine. This helps in the process of metabolism. As a result there is no accumulation of excess fat and cholesterol in the body.
11 . Even if there is no problem, after the age of forty years, get a lipid profile test done once a year. If there is a problem like obesity or diabetes, it is necessary to check at least twice a year. Women should get this test done especially after menopause.
12 . After the examination, if the doctor recommends taking the medicine, then take the medicines regularly. Seek the advice of a doctor to have an examination done at an interval of six months.
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