These 4 food items will be very useful in improving and improving immunity

If you want your immune system to be healthy, then your plate should be filled with colorful fruits and vegetables every day. Apart from this, in order to increase the immunity of the body, what other things should be done in your diet. The risk of corona virus is not yet postponed, so it is still very important to take precaution. It is very important to keep your immune system correct while applying mask on exit, cleaning the hands with sanitizer.
Sweet potato
Mushrooms are a boon of nature for strengthening the immune system. Mushroom increases and activates white blaze cells. In this way the infection goes away very quickly. Both glucon and beta are found in mushrooms, which increase the body’s immunity. Shitake and Reishi mushrooms have the highest immunity and antioxidants.
How much is needed – Frying 100 grams of mushrooms in a little oil 2-3 times a week will give more benefits.
They contain selenium. Selenium is abundant, especially in oysters, lobster, and crab, with the help of selenium the white blood cells in the blood form a protein called cytokines, which makes the immunity strong in the body to protect against flu viruses. Salmon contains omega 3 fats, which reduces irritation, helps protect the lungs from cold and respiratory infections.
How much is needed – two servings a week
It contains allicin, which combats infections and bacteria. A research found that those who consume garlic regularly do not have a cold. Research has also shown that those who eat more than 6 buds of garlic in a week have a 30 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer and 50 percent lower risk of stomach cancer.
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