States Or Any Country, Everyone Will Have To Adopt Triple ‘T’ Formula, Only Then Will Get Freedom From Corona

The quorum of Corona continues to grow throughout the world. Everyone wants to know when to get rid of it. However, in whose mind this question is arising, he also knows that it is not going to get rid of it in the coming months. But it is so sure that if precaution is taken, then it can be controlled. But if negligence is carried out, this epidemic will take millions and lives. Currently there have been 2008164 cases of corona virus infected all over the world. As of 2 pm on 15 April 2020, 1394770 people have lost their lives due to this.
In the last few days, its cases have started coming up again in China. However, China has managed to overcome this to a large extent. The vaccine to treat the corona virus has also been made here and trials are being conducted on humans. At the same time, medicine made in America and Israel is being tested on humans. But it is difficult to say that this deadly virus will get rid only after the drug is made. For this it will also be necessary to find and treat those patients who are infected with this virus.
Let me tell you that it takes up to two weeks to get complete symptoms of this virus. In this too, despite being infected many times, the report of the test comes negative. The result of this is that it spreads from one to the other and from the second to the third person. By the time its positive report comes, many more cases of it have flourished. This is how Triple T’s formula comes in handy. Working on this Triple T formula, South Korea was the first to succeed in reducing the outbreak of the virus.
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