Some reasons why top scorer students struggling for getting a good job
Many times many intelligent students are unable to get good jobs. This is because of poor communication skills in English and they lack to learn How to Speak Fluent English without Hesitation.

These are the reasons why intelligent students at times do not get good jobs:
Poor English is one of the main reasons why even very intelligent students struggle to get a good job. Technical skills are not enough today. You need to also have good communication skills and thus without English speaking prowess no recruiter will entertain you and give you a job.
Thus it is critical for students to take English classes and learn good English speaking so that they are able to perform well and also get their dream job
If you do not have good communication skills, then you are of no use to the professional world. This is because you might be very intelligent and knowledgeable but if you are not able to convey that through your speech then it is of no use.
Thus companies prefer candidates who have good English communication skills as English is the key to success.
Many candidates also lose their nerves in an interview. They get intimidated and their mind goes blank and thus to counter this you should practice speaking English as much as possible so that you are confident in the interview and can make a lasting impression which lands you in a lucrative and high status job.
- FEAR: –
Some student also gets afraid or a phoebe of interviews and public speaking. The only way to overcome this is through practice and hard work. The more you speak the better you will become and thus you should practice speaking in English as much as possible, all the while learning new words and also working on your grammar and pronunciation.
Some students are very intelligent but they have a lousy personality. Thus it is very important to speak well, have good body language and also groom yourself well to taste success in an interview.