Smart tv and mobile phone energy consumption will be extremely low, a lot of energy would be saved

London, Patr. In the near future, the screen of your smartphone, TV, etc. is going to be smart and smart. UK scientists have developed a new technology, with the help of smartphones and TV displays being durable as well as bright and better contrast.
At current times, pixels in the screens of TVs, smartphones, tablets, and laptops are run by organic light-emitting diodes (Organic Light Emitting Diode-OLED).
Researchers from Britain’s Imperial College London said that in the strong sunshine, the cover of the OLED anti-glare filter is easily seen on the screen. There are also some disadvantages to this filter.
When this filter is made, half of the light generated by the OLED pixels remains within the display, due to which the efficiency of the OLED becomes almost half low and consequently the energy consumption is increased.
Now the team of scientists from Imperial College London has developed a new type of OLD. Research published in the journal ACS Nano reveals that ingredients for making OLAD can be managed by managing those OLEDs, which generate a special type of polarized light, which will not require anti-glare filters.
Researchers said that such display made with OLED will reduce energy consumption. Which means that their battery life will be high and carbon emissions will also be lower.
Jess Wade of the Physical Sciences Department of Imperial College said that our study indicates that we can change our OLED and develop the OLED with efficient polarized light. Also, all types of the screen can be made better and more durable.
However, this study was especially focused on the OLED but the team of researchers said that the new material developed could be used in any other application.
There is also the possibility of storage of information in polarized light generated from this material. That is why researchers believe that this can be useful for computing and data revolution, and this can lead to a new revolution in the field of communication.