Scientists research revealed that creatures returning from space are able to produce children

How many possibilities of life in space? What is the effect on the health of those returning there? What are the changes in the health of animals and humans who have gone to space so far, what happens to their lives after returning from there? Do they remain worthy of breed or not? Scientists are continuing research on all such questions. The research report on some issues has been revealed.
So far flies, dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, and humans have been sent to space. Some of them died after returning from space, while some spent the rest of their lives, followed by their normal death.
In this, one of the biggest research was also done on whether the ability of the people traveling to space to have a child is also affected? research that the negative impact on the health of those who have returned from space and not returned.
The health of those traveling in space is closely monitored before and after the trip. In fact, scientists had earlier received indications that spending time in space affects sperm.
Even the frozen sperm were also exposed to radiation damage when kept there for 9 months. Similarly, the sperm count in the mice spent in class for 13 days was reduced.
In the new research, 12 mice were kept in the International Space Station for 35 days, special design cages were made for them.
Some mice also experienced weight loss in microgravity, while the rest remained in cages with artificial gravity systems.
After returning to Earth, researchers used the sperm from these mice to fertilize an egg of a female rat that never went into space, with scientists observing that mice that had roamed the space produced healthy babies.
What affects the health of those returning from space, research reveals big
Scientists have found in research that the negative impact on the health of those who have returned from space and not returned.
New Delhi [Jagran Special]. How many possibilities of life in space? What is the effect on the health of those returning there? What are the changes in the health of animals and humans who have gone to space so far, what happens to their lives after returning from there? Do they remain worthy of breed or not? Scientists are continuing research on all such questions. The research report on some issues has been revealed.
So far flies, dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, and humans have been sent to space. Some of them died after returning from space, while some spent the rest of their lives, followed by their normal death.
In this, one of the biggest research was also done on whether the ability of the people traveling to space to have a child is also affected?
Before and after health is closely monitored
The health of those traveling in space is closely monitored before and after the trip. In fact, scientists had earlier received indications that spending time in space affects sperm.
Even the frozen sperm were also exposed to radiation damage when kept there for 9 months. Similarly, the sperm count in the mice spent in class for 13 days was reduced.

In the new research, 12 mice were kept in the International Space Station for 35 days, special design cages were made for them.
Some mice also experienced weight loss in microgravity, while the rest remained in cages with artificial gravity systems.
After returning to Earth, researchers used the sperm from these mice to fertilize an egg of a female rat that never went into space, with scientists observing that mice that had roamed the space produced healthy babies.
A rat in space for a month returned and found capable of breeding
Scientists conducted research on rats that returned to Earth after being in space for a month. It found that a rat returned from space to Earth is capable of reproduction.
When the research was done on this, it came to light that this is the first evidence of the effect of space travel on the reproduction of mammals. Osaka University Professor Masahito Ikawa was leading this team.
He also inspected the reproductive organs of space-traveling mice and noticed that no signs of damage were found to the children in their parents.
In a research report published in the Scientific Journal reports, Professor Ikawa has said that being in space for short periods of time does not affect the physical activity of male reproductive organs, the functioning of sperm and the viability of children.
Space travel has no negative effect on the body
It has already been revealed in medical research that space travel has a negative impact on the body in many ways, with the loss of muscle and bone mass as well as changes in cells.
Exposure to radiation is the reason behind this, earlier research has looked at the impact on the reproductive system of some other organisms, although the new study has tested the impact of space travel on a molecular level for the first time.
However, this research is still in its early stages and it is not necessary to tell what effect it has on the reproductive system of humans or the reproductive system of female rats.
Can easily go into space
Research says that in the next few decades, people will like to go to space, by then scientists will find more ways to send them there.
For this reason, it was necessary to study what effect has been made on the fertility of the people who are going there or have come back from there.
In such a situation, it is important to know the impact of the space environment on the reproductive system so that unwanted effects can be prevented in the next generation.
Fly was sent for the first time in space
In 1947, the Soviet Union sent a fly into space for the first time. 10 years later, in 1957, the Soviet Union sent a bitch into space, but Laika died a few hours after the rocket launch.
Despite Lyca’s death, the Soviet Union continued to send dogs to space, gradually making rockets more secure. In 1960, dogs named Strelka and Belka were sent back to space, both returning safely.
A child of Strelka was also presented in 1961 to the daughter of the then US President. This in itself was a different matter.

Monkey’s turn came after flies and dogs
While Russia was sending dogs to space, on the other hand, the US space agency NASA prepared to send the monkeys. In 1958 America sent a monkey named Gordo into space but died.
A year later in 1959, Miss Baker and Able were sent to the monkeys, both of whom had returned safely. Able and Miss Baker were the first monkeys to return alive from Earth’s orbit. Able died shortly after landing, Miss Baker died in 1984 at the age of 27.
Through the monkey named Sam, the capsule was tested to keep the astronauts alive, Sam succeeded in this test.

The chimpanzee was also sent to space
After flying, dogs and monkeys, the chimpanzee, considered extremely close to humans, was sent into space. In 1961, the US sent a chimpanzee named Haim into space, he suffered weightlessness for 6 minutes, he also returned alive, studying his body and helping scientists understand how the body works in weightlessness.
Now the European Space Agency is sending small but tufted creatures. After sending dogs, monkeys and chimpanzees into space, humans also went into space.
It is not that now the work of sending other creatures into space has stopped. The European Space Agency sent Tardigrade microbes into space in 2007, they lived for 12 days, researching them to find out how solar radiation affects life.