America: Regular exercise to relieve women from depression

Exercise May Boost Mood Exercise means that the body remains strong and many types of diseases are also kept away. Not only this, it keeps our mood right.
Washington, New York Times. It is well known that by exercise, the body remains strong and many types of diseases are also kept away.
Now, in a new study, researchers have claimed that exercising can relieve women suffering from severe depression.
However, the benefits of exercise depend on which exercise we are doing and when. Are we doing automatic exercises at home or under the leadership of a coach?
Maintains mood as well.
Recent studies suggest that exercise keeps our mood alight and many studies have also claimed that physically active people are happier than those who are lethargic or do not exercise.
Live. Some tests have also claimed that regular exercise can reduce anxiety and depression.
It can be just as effective as antidepressants. But scientists have not yet been able to explain how physical exercise can improve people’s mental health.
Secretion of chemical substances from exercise
, according to scientists, due to the workouts, many types of proteins and other biochemical substances are present in our body.
These substances enter the blood and reach our brain and affect the neurological process. Our feelings are also affected by this.
But it has not been clear how many of the substances released during exercise are most important for mental health.
To find out, Iowa State University Assistant Professor Jacob Meyer has started an investigation into substances called endocannabinoids and runners high.
What is Endocannabinoids
Endocannabinoids are psychoactive substances produced in the body automatically. Its compounds are also found in cannabis.
They form tissues in our body. Endocannabinoids bind specialized receptors in our brain and nervous system. Also, help calm and improve our mood.
Keeps the brain calm.
Studies show that exercise often increases the level of endocannabinoids in the bloodstream, causing some people to feel calm and light after workouts.
The new study has recently been published in ‘Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise’.
In which researchers found that regular exercise showed a dramatic change in the mental health of women struggling with severe depression.
Slept cells become active endocannabinoid due to excess snail, it reaches the brain directly and affects the functioning of the nerve.
Due to which the latent cells wake up. Some cells of the brain go into sleep even during the depression.
Researchers said that in such a situation, regular exercise cannot be less than living for women suffering from depression.