Ramdev apologizes for statement on allopathy after all-round condemnation
Harshvardhan had written a letter to yoga guru Baba Ramdev asking him to withdraw the objectionable statement against allopathy.
Ramdev’s statements on allopathy are being written one after the other. In response to Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, Ramdev has now written a letter and said to withdraw his statement. Addressing Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, Ramdev has written that he is not opposed to allopathy and puts an end to this controversy and withdraws his statement. Once again, it has been said by Ramdev that the statement which is being quoted was read by a WhatsApp message.
My statement quoted is the statement of an activist meeting in which I read the WhatsApp message that came. If anyone’s feelings are hurt by that, then I am sorry. Drawing of errors in any medical system should not be taken as an attack on that method, it is not at all opposed to science.
– Ramdev
Ayurveda should also be respected – Ramdev
Ramdev is also seen comparing Allopathy and Ayurveda-Yoga-Naturopathy in his letter. He has written that it should also be respected.
Modern medical science has discovered the treatment of serious diseases like smallpox, polio, TV, so through Indian medicine methods like Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy, we have control of complex and hereditary diseases like BP, Sugar, Thyroid, Arthritis, Fatty Liver, Hepatitis, Asthma. And a permanent solution is given. Even in the Corona period, the doctors of allopathy have saved their lives by risking their lives, we respect them. We have also saved the lives of crores of people with the use of Ayurveda and Yoga, it should also be respected.
– Ramdev in the letter
माननीय श्री @drharshvardhan जी आपका पत्र प्राप्त हुआ,
उसके संदर्भ में चिकित्सा पद्दतियों के संघर्ष के इस पूरे विवाद को खेदपूर्वक विराम देते हुए मैं अपना वक्तव्य वापिस लेता हूँ और यह पत्र आपको संप्रेषित कर रहा हूं- pic.twitter.com/jEAr59VtEe— स्वामी रामदेव (@yogrishiramdev) May 23, 2021
What was in the letter of the Minister of Health?
Earlier, Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan had written a letter to Ramdev asking him to withdraw the objectionable statement against Allopathy and Corona Warriors. The Health Minister said that his statement not only disrespected the Corona Warriors, but it also hurt the sentiments of the countrymen. Dr. Harshvardhan wrote that this statement can prove to be a break in the morale of doctors and weaken the fight against Corona.
In his letter, the Health Minister said that doctors and health workers are ‘devotally’ in this epidemic, Ramdev’s statement is unfortunate. He wrote, “It is very unfortunate to say that millions of corona patients died of allopathy medicine.” You are well aware of the fact that in this fight against Corona, numerous doctors and health workers from all over the world including India have sacrificed their lives. In such a situation, it is unfortunate for you to call allopathy treatment as ‘tamasha’, ‘worthless’ and ‘bankrupt’ in the treatment of corona. ”
The Health Minister said that if the death rate of corona virus in the country is low and the recovery rate is high, then allopathy and doctors have a significant contribution behind it.
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