Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment

Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment Rajasthan government will give a big gift to the youth, will recruit 8438 constable posts

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Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment

Rajasthan government is going to give a big gift to the youth. The state government is going to recruit 8438 posts of constable. According to media reports, the Gehlot government has approved the recruitment of 8438 constable posts in Rajasthan Police. These appointments will be made over the next two years. In fact, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has approved the proposal for 2021-22 and the year 2022-23 of the Home Department. Now only after this, the way has been cleared for the appointment of constable posts.

At the same time, this decision of the state government has given hope to all those youths, who were dreaming of joining the police for a long time. However, candidates are advised that the complete details related to this recruitment process will be made available only on the official website, so they keep visiting the official website.

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Along with this, other recruitments are also going on in Rajasthan Police recently. According to this, the Rajasthan Police Recruitment Board had released the answer keys of the 2019 Constable Recruitment Examination held for the recruitment of more than 5000 posts some time back. The answer key of the state police recruitment exam was released on the official website police.rajasthan.gov.in. It is worth noting that this recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 5438 vacancies of Rajasthan Police Constable.
Out of these total vacancies, 3452 vacancies will be appointed for Constable GD General Area and 1633 vacancies for TSP Area. The Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2019 exam was conducted for a total of 86 units. For which the result of 83 units including Jaipur, Ajmer, Alwar was released on 13 March 2021. Candidates can check related details on the official website.
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