
Origin of Corona Virus: Pangolins and bats are the birth of Corona, Scientists are looking for host animals

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At this time, the SARS corona virus-2, which has become a problem for the world, has come into the human beings only by animals. Keeping this fact in mind, other research related to Corona Virus is being done. So that this infection and its deaths can be prevented.


Ever since the Corona Virus Outbrek occurred, there have been speculations that the virus has come from bats into humans. After some time, it has been proved that the genome of SARS corona virus-2 closely resembles the corona virus found in bats. But it is not 100 percent like that. Then further exploration began.

Chimera and Chimera is called the virus that is the third virus that has evolved from two viruses. Chimera has the properties of both primary viruses but does not completely match either. The same thing is applicable to Corona Virus.

It may happen that two different viruses, which have developed corona, have both infected one organism at the same time. The two viruses then combined to form a new virus and this third virus, ie Kamera, developed the ability to infect new and different species of organisms.

Since the outbreak of the corona virus. Since then, many new types of viruses have been identified in bats and pangolins. During this time it was found that 96 percent of the genome of the novel corona virus matches that corona virus which is found inside bats.

This suggests that bats may be reservoir of corona virus. That is, this virus can accumulate in bats for a long time. While the corona virus the world currently suffers from, its genome matches 99 percent of the corona virus genome found in pangolins.

This has led experts to speculate that the SARS corona virus-2 may be a third virus composed of viruses found in both bats and pangolins. Viruses found in both of these have infected another animal simultaneously and developed its third form.

However, that third animal has not yet been identified. But experts are working very fast in this direction. While it is quite clear that this virus has originated in an animal itself, but it is very effective in spreading infection in humans.

There are many symptoms of corona, which are helpful in spreading it as a major epidemic. Such as the presence of spikey proteins on the upper surface of the corona virus, which help the virus to enter the body’s cells. After reaching the body through these spikey cells, it easily attaches itself to organ cells.

Corona virus has been showing its effect since before. But SARS Corona Virus-2’s ability to attach itself to human organisms of spikey proteins is many times better than other corona viruses. Most respiratory viruses affect upper or lower airways. But SARS corona virus-2 infects both upper and lower airways.

The most dangerous thing about this virus is that the virus spreads rapidly to other people without showing signs of infection. For this reason, it is very difficult to identify an infected person at the initial level and the virus spreads rapidly in other people.

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