Now the thirsty earthworms have dried hands for years of extinguished
Due to decreasing ground water level, there is no drop of water from dry pumps. Such dry handpumps can be seen irritating across the country
Hariom Goud, Sheopur Due to decreasing ground water level, there is no drop of water from dry pumps. Such dry handpumps can be seen irritating across the country. But if you say that this handpump can return millions of liters of water to the earth, then it will be astonishing. This can be seen in the four villages of the tribal development block of Khehal of Sheopur, Madhya Pradesh. In these four villages, 11 dry handpumps and two wells are filtering the contaminated water released after use in the rain and village under the ground and reaching the ground. The result was that the ground water level of the area returned. The headpumps and wells in the village were dry, they started giving water.
Actually, the Gandhi Seva Ashram of Sheopur, who works for the development of tribal-dominated rural areas, together with the German Institute of GIZ and Hyderabad FPRO, first used it in Dahal, Ajnoi, Zher and Banar village in Kahal in 2016. This village was chosen because most of the headpumps here had dried up. In these villages, indiscriminate bore was such that there were half a dozen bore in the two Bigha fields. As a result, the ground water level of the villages was in the trough. All the water sources of the village were dried Here, the effect of this experiment of the past few years was that after the rainy season, the dry handpumps surrounding the settlements of Ajni, Dabali, Zarer and Banar village started giving water, which had dried for ten years.
Water in such land reached by injection method
This method is called injection method. Germany’s organization had successfully used it before Sheyopur in the dry areas of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Under this method, around 10 feet deep pothole is dug around the handpump. In the casing pipe of the handpump, the space is 1200 to 1500 holes of one to one and a half inch diameter. Water through this pipe goes into the ground. Before this, the filter plant is also made in the pit to clean the water. In this filter plant things like boulder, ballast, sand and coal are stored layer layer. Only after filing with it, rain water reaches the pierced pipe of the handpump. Lattice filter is also applied on the pipe. This way the highly effective Rainwater Harvesting System is ready.
A dry hand pump is returning 4 million liters of water to the earth …
45 thousand rupees have been spent in the construction of a water supply recharge unit for dry handpump, but its advantage is huge. Now this poor handpump is bringing in three to four lakh liters of water in the land within a year. According to the record, a normal handpump water is extracted up to 3 lakh 60 thousand liters per year. That is, the bad hand pump is sending the same water back into the ground as much as a right handpump is pulling it from the ground.
This is called injection method. Under this, rain water and used water is filtered and transported inside the ground. A dry handpump returns to the ground so much water, which pulls another headpump from the ground.
GIZ institution
Most of the bore and wells were dried in Sheopur, MP Banar, Ajnoi, Dabali and Zherer villages, so this was used in these villages. It is very happy with the results, due to the conversion of dried handpumps into rainwater harvesting systems, other dry handpumps are now supplying water.