Now the distance of about 6 thousand km will be fixed in just four hours

Soon, a distance of about six thousand km will be completed in just three to four hours. With this, NASA and another company Boom Supersonic are continuously working. Talking about NASA, it has built a supersonic aircraft that can fly at a speed of 940 mph. It simply means that the distance from London to New York will be completed in just four hours. It currently takes eight hours to cover this distance. The aircraft that NASA has designed is named Quiet. Future passengers will have to spend £ 5,774 to travel on this forty-seater aircraft. If you talk in Indian currency, then to cover this distance, you have to pay Rs 533348.
Travel will be cheaper than Concord
Let us tell you that passengers traveling in Concord had to pay ten thousand pounds or Rs 923706.90 for this distance. In this sense, this distance from NASA’s new aircraft will be completed at some cheaper rates. The Concorde aircraft was launched on 4 March 1969. The aircraft was manufactured by Aerospace and the UK company BAC. The aircraft last flew on 26 November 2003. The biggest feature of this aircraft was its supersonic speed, due to which it completed the distance between London to New York in about four hours. In its entire tenure, it had suffered only one time in a plane crash. On 25 July 2000, an Air France plane was killed in an accident on its way to New York, killing 113 people.
Boom supersonic
Apart from NASA, the new Mach 2.2 aircraft Boom Supersonic is working on has named it Overture. The company announced it in January this year. The company is hopeful that the aircraft will take off at the end of this year or early next year. The company has named its half-size prototype as the XB-1. About US $ 100 million is being spent on this aircraft.
Comparison at a glance
If compared to this quiet aircraft, 55 passengers will be able to travel more than this in Overture. The aircraft will be able to cover a distance of 8336.4 kilometers at a time and will complete the distance from London to New York in just three hours and fifty minutes. The project has also been invested by Lauren Powell Jobs, wife of Steve Jobs. The company even says that those traveling in this plane will have to spend at least equal to the business class of the common aircraft. This aircraft will have three engines and it will be 30 percent lower sounding aircraft than other supersonic aircraft.
Named X-59
NASA has named the supersonic boom aircraft as the X-59. Let us tell you that when an aircraft crosses the sound barrier, it is called a boom. Speaking of Concorde, it used to fly with a speed of 1,354 mph. Talking about other aircraft, they fly at a speed of around 600 mph. While designing the X-59, scientists have taken care to minimize the amount of noise it makes while flying on supersonic speed.
Better design
In view of this, scientists have designed the front portion somewhat differently. This part is quite long and thin, which reduces its noise significantly and helps in maintaining its speed. The cockpit of this aircraft will also be different from other aircraft. Its cockpit will have an External Visibility System (XVS) which will provide all the necessary information to the pilot. Apart from this, the aircraft will have 3D cameras on the outside. NASA’s Law Boom Flight Demonstrator Project Manager Craig Nickall is very happy about its development performance. It has been tested in Texas with the F / A-18 Hornet aircraft. The aircraft is expected to have its first flight by 2021.
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