Now patients infected with coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh will be able to be discharged after ten days without investigation
Lucknow Now in Uttar Pradesh, patients with mild and low intensity initial symptoms of corona virus can be discharged after ten days without examination. They would have to stay in home isolation essentially for seven days. Only serious patients will be examined. Revised discharge policy was issued by Additional Chief Secretary Medical Education Rajneesh Dubey on Monday. All medical colleges, medical institutions and state medical colleges, patients admitted to Kovid Care Center will now be discharged from the hospital as per the new guidelines.
Now patients with mild and low intensity initial symptoms can be discharged from the hospital ten days after admission. If they did not have fever for three days before being discharged. Not only this, after being discharged from the hospital, such people will stay in home isolation for seven days. At the same time, patients with acute and moderate symptoms of corona, who have symptoms in three days, and oxygen saturation is above 95 percent for the next four days, then such patients will also be discharged without examination ten days after admission.
While discharging from the hospital, it will also be seen that the patient does not have fever without taking fever medicine, has no breathing problem and does not need oxygen. On the other hand, if the patient is on oxygen support and after three days his symptoms do not end and he needs oxygen support, then they will also be seen before discharging that they have symptoms of corona and for three days it will be without oxygen support. If you are maintaining oxygen saturation, then there will be no need to check them while discharging from the hospital.
Only serious patients and immuno-compromised patients such as HIV patients, cancer patients and patients who have been transplanted earlier will be seen on clinical recovery while discharged from the hospital and a corona examination will also be done. They will be discharged from the hospital only after the corona examination comes negative.
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