Now driving test will not have to be given for DL, process will be completed without wasting time
In this rule, full care has been taken for the convenience of the driving license applicants. However, the government has put a special condition in this, on which only the applicant will be considered entitled to get driving and this process will be completed.
Till some time back the process of applying for a driving license was very complicated and for this you had to visit RTO (Regional Transport Office) many times. It also wastes a lot of time and money and it was time to get your turn for a driving test. The applicant had to wait for several weeks for this. However, now this process has been simplified. In fact, a new rule has been notified by the Ministry of Road Transport for making a driving license. According to the new rule, for DL. Those applying will now have to register in the Driving Training School and after passing the driving test here, you will be issued a driving license. This new rule will be issued from next month.
There are many benefits due to the implementation of this new rule, one of which is that in this era of Covid-19 infection will be avoided and the second is that you will not have to make rounds of RTO to give a driving test, which will save your time and you. You will be entitled to obtain a driving license within a certain period of time.
Have to accept this special condition
In this new rule, full care has been taken for the convenience of driving license applicants. However, the government has put a special condition in this, according to which any driving training school you will register in should be fully government recognized and when you pass the driving test of this driving training school, then you will be driving very easily. The license will be given and you will not have to make frequent trips to the Regional Transport Office for this. In the accredited driver training center, you will get many facilities like space required to drive the car, biometric ID, as well as your driver training will be completely recorded and based on this you will be issued DL.
Some rules can also be brought by the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways regarding the recognition of driving training centers. Actually driving training centers will be recognized only after following these rules. If DL has learned driving from any such recognized training center then he/she will be considered eligible for DL without giving the driving test.
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