November was the coldest in 71 years, 119 years record was broken in December last year

November was the coldest in 71 years, 119 years record was broken in December last year

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November was the coldest in 71 years, 119 years record was broken in December last year

A record breaking winter of 119 years in the year 2019 can be a problem for people this time too. According to the Meteorological Department, due to snowfall and cold wave in the mountainous regions of North India, at times the temperature went down to four degrees below normal. Because of this, the cold was more. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, severe cold is being said this year in the entire north India including the capital Delhi. Its effect is visible from November itself, so the winter of Delhi is in its full color since November this year. This is the reason why such a cold was not felt in recent years in November. The cold wave brought down the minimum mercury to below seven degrees. This time November has been the coldest in Delhi in the last 71 years. Earlier in 1949, it was so cold in November.

According to the Meteorological Department, the average minimum temperature in November this time was 10.2 degrees Celsius. The four days (3, 20, 23 and 24 November) were when the cold wave lasted. On November 23, the minimum temperature was recorded at 6.3 degrees Celsius. Earlier in 2003, the minimum temperature was 6.1 degrees Celsius in November. In this way, the record has broken this time of 71 years in terms of minimum temperature, but if we talk about the average minimum temperature in November, then this time the average minimum temperature was the lowest in the last seven decades. Even in the year 1949, the average minimum temperature was 10.2 ° C. This record has not been broken since then. Delhi had the coldest year in November in 1930. Then the average minimum temperature was 8.9 degrees Celsius. The normal minimum temperature in November is generally 12.9 ° C. This time the average minimum temperature was 2.7 degrees Celsius below normal. 


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