No need to go to the gym for strength training anymore, you can achieve your target with the help of a chair

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Without going to the gym, you can increase the strength of the body with the help of a chair. 
Yes, with the help of these 3 to 4 exercises daily, you can increase the strength of the body in a few days.

Regarding strength exercise or training, it is believed that many types of equipment are required for this and it also takes a lot of time. However, if it is not possible for you to manage both these points, then with the help of chair and dumbbells, you can achieve your target.

Bent Row Exercise

This exercise works for your upper body and back cup. It is helpful in strengthening muscles as well as making it flexible. To do this, sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Now hold each dumbbell in both hands. Keep the arms in the side, your palms facing inwards. Bend forwards from the hips, keeping the back straight. Pull the dumbbell straight towards the chest. Slowly bring it down until your elbow is fully twisted.

This is a fairly easy exercise that you can do without using any equipment. It works on your lower body, especially on the thighs and butt area. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Keep the feet apart at the hip width. The knees should be just above the ankles. Arms bent forward. Now lean forward. Putting your weight on the legs, lift the hips up to about six inches from the chair. Stay in this position for a while. Then come down slowly, you can also hold one dumbbell in your hands to challenge yourself. Do this about 20-25 times daily.

Recline press workout

It works on your chest, shoulders and hands. To do this, sit at the edge of the chair by leaning back so that your shoulders touch the chair backwards. Any pillow can also be used if needed. Now take dumbbells in your hands and keep the palms away from yourself while straightening the elbows, keep the arms straight, pushing the weight upwards. Slowly bring down and start again. Do this 10 to 15 times daily.

Raised planks exercises

It may take some hard work in the initial stages. This exercise works on the shoulders, chest, back and abs. Keeping both elbows on the chair, spread the legs very straight on the ground until the head and feet come in a straight line, hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. It is also helpful in increasing stamina and building body balance.

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