Adventurer Bear Grylls and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi were seen in the special adventure man VS Wilde. During this show, PM Modi appeared in a different style. PM Modi crossed the river with the help of raft. During this time, Grylls was pulling the raft and PM Modi was sitting in the raft. Grylls’ condition deteriorated due to the cold water of the Himalayas. He shared this matter with the PM.
Northern Ireland’s adventurer Bear Grylls and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special adventure man VS Wilde got to see people. Not only in the country but also abroad, people saw this special episode. In this episode, PM Modi not only talked about environmental protection. Rather, he also kept this message in front of the people that how important is the protection of the environment for the coming generation and a human being should go beyond his selfishness and think about humanity.
During this show, PM Modi appeared in a different style. PM Modi crossed the river with the help of raft. During this time, Grylls was pulling the raft and PM Modi was sitting in the raft. Grylls’ condition deteriorated due to the cold water of the Himalayas. He shared this matter with PM Modi.
PM Modi is also very sensitive to the environment and was seen sharing his views about it. This was seen once again when Grylls told him that Jim Corbett was a very dangerous area.
On this, PM Modi replied that “If you struggle with nature, if you are against nature then you will find everything dangerous.” Then you will also find humans dangerous. But if you are with nature, love it and try to save it, then wild animals also support you.
During this show, PM Modi also talks about environmental security and explains why it is important for humans to survive. These special episodes were shown in many countries of the world. It was broadcast in 8 Indian languages. Among these, languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Marathi were included prominently.
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