Music helps to reduce angiography before Anesthesia
According to researchers, the peripheral nerve block Prasijr occurring before Aengjaiti can be used for the concern and negotiable for the concert music as an alternative to analgesic drugs to overcome. Prior to the Nerve Block Procedure, patients are usually given midazolam medication as a pain reliever, so that they can reduce their angiography. Use music as a substitute for medication.

In a recent study, researchers found that before the Nerve Block Procedure, if patients are taught relaxed music, then it is as effective as the midazolam drug that is inserted directly into the patient’s veins. Peripheral nerve block processor is a kind of regional anesthesia that is performed in the operation area in the guidance of ultrasound, which blocks the feeling of pain in a particular part of the body. This procedure is used in many types of orthopedic surgery such as hip and knee surgery, arm and elbow surgery, etc.
The choice of the drug for reducing the anxiety of the patient,
Lead Opener Veena Graf of this study said, “The results of our study show that before certain things like nerve block procedures, medicines for calming the patient and reducing the patient’s angiography There are many options available. We have started a new process in our ambulatory surgical center and even giving disposable headphones to the patients who want to listen to music. After all, our motto is that patients should be given a choice as music so that they remain relaxed during the pre-operation period and there is no concern in their mind. ”
Research is done by dividing patients into 2 groups
The team of researchers divided 157 adults into two separate groups and gave them two options three minutes before the peripheral nerve block processor. The first- 1-2 mg of injection of midazolam medication or the second- a headphone on which the 8-minute weightless sound of the Marconi Union was being played, which was heard by the person listening to the Therapist, Harmony, Rhythm and Bass Line. It was specially designed to give peace and relax. Researchers examined the level of angiography of people of both groups before and after using the method and found that there was a reduction in angiology level among people of both groups.