Men should be cautious, cardiovascular distress and sexual dysfunction are the cause of male menopause
Menopause occurs in women as well as men. A major difference between menopause occurs in women and men is that menopause occurs between 45 and 55 years of age in women, while in men the condition occurs between the ages of 50 and 60 years. Like women, men also need to take care of their mental and physical health during this period. Learn here, what kind of symptoms are seen during menopause

Whenever it comes to menopause, we see it by connecting with women. While this thinking needs to be changed. Because when menopause occurs in men, then their body changes in the same way as in the body of women. At this time, men especially face emotional fluctuations.
As the age of men increases, the production of estrogen hormone starts decreasing in their body, which directly affects the mental state of men. Due to this, mood swings are seen very fast in them.
Neurological problems start in men due to lack of estrogen hormone. These include problems such as anxiety, tension, and inability to focus on your work. Some men also have problems like memory loss during this period.
The risk of cardiovascular problems during menopause in men increases substantially. Because at this age, the elasticity in the body veins starts to decrease and the blood vessels become much weaker than before. Due to this, many problems related to the heart suddenly become dominant. These include heart attack.
It does not matter whether you are female or male. Because after the age of 55, the digestive system of a person starts slowing down. Also, the condition of menopause has a worse effect on it. For digestive disorders and stomach health, it is important that you take a control diet.
Weakness of bones is a fatal but common problem occurring at the age of menopause. In women, when bones begin to weaken after 30, in men between 55 and 65 the bones become increasingly weak because during this time Bon tissues in men rapidly degenerate. This makes the bones weak and soft.
In men who are living stressful life at the age of menopause, falling asleep is a very common symptom. This changes to the condition of sleep disorder. Such men wake up from sleep several times in the night and have difficulty sleeping again. They feel tired and weak all the time due to lack of sleep.
Men need to pay more attention to themselves to deal with changes in their body during the mail menopause. For this, they should participate in outdoor activities. Should play games, increase social and physical activities. These activities also protect men from problems such as depression and stress during menopause.
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