know why the color of the social networking site facebook is?

Today, everyone is connected in some way with the way technology has developed.
The scope of social networking sites is increasing day by day. Similarly, people like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are getting connected daily.
Every day thousands of people are visiting these sites and creating their accounts and connecting with people.
Today we will give you some information about the biggest social networking site Facebook, such as – The biggest question is why the color of Facebook is blue, why is it not colored anything else?
If someone has an account on Facebook and he dies, what does Facebook do after getting the information? In which countries is Facebook banned.
What would it take to reach Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg? If all such questions arise in your mind, then you must read this news.
Why is Facebook the color blue?
By the way, only the major 7 colors are told, but do not know how many colors can be made with these 7 colors, even after that why the color of Facebook is blue? In fact, the Chief of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is the only one who can see blue color properly. He has color blindness.
He has red-green color blindness, he has also accepted a television talk show. They said that they have color blindness and blue is the color that they can see best. That is why they have kept the color of Facebook blue.
Easiest to Find Zuckerberg
If you are a little knowledgeable in searching on Google, you can find Mark Zuckerberg very easily. If you are logged on to your home page on Facebook, then your URL is https://www.facebook.com.
The most interesting thing is that if you just add / 4 in front of your corresponding url then you will go directly to the wall of Mark Zuckerberg. If you are on the computer system then you can try it once.
According to the data released by Facebook on Facebook every 5 seconds, every second 5 new people create their account on Facebook.
Apart from this, about 30 crore pictures are uploaded on Facebook every day from different countries, 50 thousand comments and about 3 lakh status are written every 60 seconds.
There are also about 90 million fake profiles on Facebook at the moment.
Facebook is also banned in these two countries, there
are billions of users from all over the world. Despite these billions of users, Facebook is banned in China and North Korea.
Guess if Facebook was not banned in China with such a large population, then its number of users would have been more.
Nobody can block them,
many times we block someone who does not like on Facebook, but do you hope that there is a person on this Facebook that no Facebook user in the world can block.
That profile is of Mark Zuckerberg himself. Even after searching them, no one can block them, if you are not sure, you can try it after searching their profile.
Memorialized Account
If someone we know has an account on Facebook and dies due to some reason. If information about it is given to Facebook, then such profiles are made a memorialized account by Facebook.
After the memorial account has been created, no person can log in to this account, such arrangements are also made by Facebook that no changes can be made in such an account.
If any of your information has died, you can also make such an account a memorized account by informing Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg Boosted Caravan Bought Instagram and WhatsApp
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grew his caravan after launching one thing after another.
After Facebook, he bought Instagram and then WhatsApp. These three are the most commonly used social networking sites today. Facebook started in March 2004, within a year it had garnered 1 million users.
By June 2009, it had grown so much that it became America’s number one social networking site. In April 2012, Facebook also bought Instagram and in 2014 WhatsApp.