Know what is the cooling period, why is this special in the case of Covid-19

According to experts, if infection of Covid-19 is achieved in a country, then its infection chain is broken. Hence, the number of new cases starts decreasing everyday. This decrease continues for about three months in a row. This is because all the researches have revealed that antibodies remain effective in any person’s body for at least three months after infection. This three months is called the expert cooling period. In this, the graph of new cases continuously falls down, but as soon as the effect of antibodies in the infected people is reduced or eliminated, they start getting infected and a new round of infection starts. The picture of all the countries of the west confirms this.
Pleasant aspect
The good thing in the case of India is that by the time the new phase of infection starts here, the vaccine of this epidemic will be present. In such a situation, all of us will have to make every effort to maintain our immunity during this critical period. All the necessary precaution has to be taken while handling your daily work. Believe that victory will be ours. Humanity is and will remain immortal.
Status of india
In the nationwide sero survey, it was revealed that the number of infected people is actually about eighty times their actual number. In this context, if the total number of infected people has crossed five million today, then their actual number may be around 50 crore. This means that nearly half of the population has been infected with the corona virus. In such a situation, the country is close to herd immunity. New cases are also confirmed daily by this steady state of infection. India topped the investigation. 10 to 13 lakh tests are being done here everyday, But the number of new cases is swinging between 90 and 98 thousand. That is, it shows a picture of a steady state. The experience of the countries of the West shows that the number of new cases coming up for several days was fixed before the decline in cases. That is, in India too, the number of new cases will be seen to decrease gradually and this trend can continue for three months. Only then can a new phase of transition begin in the country.
Britain: In April and May in Britain, there were very rapid infections. In June, July and August, there were relatively fewer cases of infection. However once again the cases are increasing here.
Spain: A large number of cases occurred daily in March and April. This was followed by a decline during the cooling period. Daily cases fell to less than 500 in May and June. Now the increase is continuous here.
France: The situation in France is also similar. The figures increased very rapidly in mid-March, but declined in May, June and July. However, here too the second wave of corona infection is increasing cases.
Italy: Italy had the highest number of cases in late March. Although it started declining in April, but in July and August, many times daily cases started coming down to less than 200. Although now a day
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