Kapitasana is a boon for sciatica, know how to do it

Simply put, sitting in a pigeon pose is called Kapotsana.
Delhi, Lifestyle Desk. Sciatica is a common problem that occurs due to inflammation in one of the veins below the waist. This causes severe pain in the feet. This pain is sometimes unbearable. On several occasions surgery is performed to relax the sciatica. However, in minor symptoms this medicine is cured by taking precautions. There are several reasons for sciatica, including heavy weight lifting, high heels wear, pressure on the sciatic nerve pelvic area during pregnancy and not exercising.
It is important that you exercise regularly. Also you can add yoga to your life. There are many easy forms of yoga which are beneficial in different diseases. There is a cupcotasan in it, which is very relaxing in sciatica. If you are troubled by sciatica and want to get rid of it, you can adopt Kapotasana. Doing this can provide great relief in sciatica pain. Let us know what is Kapotsan and how it should be done-
What is kapotasana
It is made up of two Sanskrit words kapot meaning pigeon and posture. Simply put, sitting in a pigeon pose is called Kapotsana. According to experts, doing this yoga gives a lot of relief in sciatica. While the blood pressure is also controlled and the abdominal organs are massaged as well.
How to commit
For this, first spread the carpets on the flat land. Now sit facing the sun in the posture of Vajrasana. After this, move your body backwards and try to lift the body by resting your hands on the ground. In the beginning, it is difficult to do kapatasana, but by practicing this yoga can be done. However, be sure to seek the opinion of an expert before committing to diving and try to do it only in their presence as a precautionary measure.
Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.
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