830 days ago, WazirX CEO Nischal Shetty started a campaign to give legal status to crypto in India called India Wants Crypto. Today this campaign has become a campaign for the entire crypto community, in the meantime, many such campaigns came and closed This is due to the emotional engagement of the crypto community with India Wants Crypto and the selfless gesture of running this campaign. Taking this campaign one step further to all the Parliament members of the country since last week about crypto Email campaign has started to make the right law. Under India wants crypto net, political people are being made aware by email from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and till now thousands of emails have gone to these leaders. In the map below you can see the record of the emails sent.
Even today, Nischal has tweeted that ” Crypto has given Indians a chance to participate in global renewal. We have a young and talented population who can participate and win in it. It’s time to make sure. That your leaders understand the need for crypto by you. Email your MP ”.
People have become more emotionally involved with INDIA WANTS CRYPTO whenever there has been any legal problem related to crypto in India. This has also happened this time where the crypto community has sent thousands of emails in just a few hours. It is said that in order to reach this email in the language of the country’s leaders, WazirX has got this email translated into many languages.
Its translation into the Hindi language is as follows:
Request for a positive act on the cryptocurrency market in India.
Respected Mr./Mrs. Sir,
I am writing this email after learning that the ‘Government of India has decided to bring Act Bill 2021 on cryptocurrency’.
I would like to express my happiness at this step of identifying and enacting cryptocurrency in India. However, this happiness is a bit less as the said bill will ban private cryptocurrency in India. This statement shows that there is little understanding of cryptocurrency.
Let me also clarify a myth: Cryptocurrency is not here to replace INR or USD. They are digital commodities, such as gold and silver.
In addition, popular cryptos such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are not private. They have no company, no CEO, and no jurisdiction. It is a misconception that the RBI removes the need for other cryptocurrencies to create its own cryptocurrency. Existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, etc. have their own specific uses. Each blockchain requires its own basic token to operate. In such cases, INR cannot be used.
The bill also needs to keep in mind that cryptocurrency is legal and regulated in the US, European Union, Japan, Australia, China, and every major country in the world. These countries are working on positive rules.
The Honorable Parliament should also be aware that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the G-20, both global bodies of which India is also a part, have also issued their own guidelines on how countries should regulate crypto.
The question is whether India wants to become the only democracy in the world to ban crypto against the G20 guidelines?
India’s crypto industry has a thriving base for:
1. 10-20 million crypto users
2. 340 crypto start-ups offering crypto products and services.
3. 50,000 direct and indirect employees
4. Millions of dollars in venture capital funding
It is a trillion-dollar global industry with Elon Musk, PayPal, New York Stock Exchange, Blackrock, JP. Players like Morgan participate. Crypto is seen as the biggest technological revolution since the advent of the internet. I am requested to make informed decisions keeping in mind the information that has been given.
Therefore, I have anticipated your support to call in government for positive and progressive cryptocurrency regulation in India.
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