The Important Concept Of Vargottam Planets In Hindu Culture
Understanding the Rashi or solar chart is quintessential for everyone. It tells and predicts some of the main features of our life. Vargottam is an important part of the solar chart in Hindu culture as it refers to the planets which occupy the same sign as the Navmasha chart. It is said that the planet can double the power or results, especially during the Mahadasha period. It is the time when a person goes through immense pressure or an unacceptable period in his/her life. Now, whether the result will be auspicious or challenging, this depends on the significance of the planet defining in the chart.
Why is it so important in Vedic Astrology?
Vargottam is related to the Main Chart (D-1) and the Navamsha chart (D-9). There is a period known as Vimshottari Dasha, and this is where Vargottam provides exceptional favorable time and result to the individual. To know the concept of Vargottam planet you need to go keep the Main Chart and Navamsha Chart together side-by-side. Now, look for the planet that is placed in the same astrological sign both in the Main Chart and Navamsha Chart. This planet is known as Vargottam planet and the period associated with it is called VimshottariDasha. This is the perfect situation when one can expect a complimenting result.
Calculating the Vargottam period
Calculating the Vargottam period is quite simple. After you notice the similar location in both the charts, you need to check the starting and ending time of VimshottariDasha for the planet. This period is called the Vargottam period. Understanding this is not as complicated as it seems, thanks to the new age websites and software. At Vedic Divine Astro, you will find an online Vargottam period calculator which will help you further.
Why bother the planet and its period?
It is important to know the planet and its period before time goes waste. During this period you can gain significant profits through stock market trading. The financial status can be improved, and your investment will never go in vain. This period is guaranteed by Constellations, Stars, Planets, and Cosmos. Enhancing the condition of this period is in the hand of the native. Apart from this, you can also gain agricultural value, and thus, it will eventually turn into profits.
The period of Vargottam for Jupiter is the best for education, career, religion, and diplomacy. Basically, you need to check the portfolios of Jupiter and work accordingly to bring the best benefits.