IGNOU June 2021 TEE Assignments and projects will be submitted till date, IGNOU said no extension date
IGNOU June 2021 TEE Assignments: June 2021 Important Alert for Students Registered for Term-End-Exam (TEE). June 2021 is the last day for the submission of Project Work, Dissertation, Field Work Journal and Internship Report for TEE. IGNOU students who have not yet submitted their project work or other applications for the June 2021 session of various UG, PG and other courses should submit it today. Students should note that the last date for submission of project work by IGNOU was fixed as 31 May.
IGNOU did not extend the date
On the other hand, IGNOU shared an update on social media on Sunday, 30 May 2021, clarifying that the last date for submission of assignments or project work for the June 2021 TEE has not been extended. The university released this update in view of misleading news related to the extension of the application date for submitting the assignment being spread on social media.
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Can be deposited online
In view of the Covid-19 epidemic, IGNOU has given online facility to the students to submit project work report, dissertation, field work journal and internship report for them for June 2021 TEE. Students can access the report uploaded on the official website of IGNOU, ignou.ac.in or from the direct link given below.
However, according to the update released by IGNOU on the official website, they will not be able to upload TEE assignments or synopsis, etc. through the online portal for project work and other uploading. At the same time, students should read the instructions given on the upload page carefully before uploading their report.
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