If You Want To Live Long, Then Always Keep Yourself Super Busy, Will Be Healthy Throughout life

Washington, New York Times. People often do all sorts of exercises to stay healthy and healthy. Some people wake up in the morning and go to the morning walk, some sweat profusely in the gym, some do yoga and asanas, but even then many times people do not see its effect. Now in a new study, researchers have claimed that if you want to live a long life, you always have to be dynamic. For this you do not need any special exercise. You can clean your kitchen or do some other minor work at home. Researchers have found in the study that people who are always on the move lead healthier lives than those who are sitting.
Researchers will reduce mortality , it is better that you keep doing some work than sitting empty. No matter how minor it may be. This will not only keep you healthy, but can also reduce mortality. The biggest benefit of this can be found to those who are only sitting in the houses. Researchers said that by sitting, our body becomes home to diseases and it is the leading cause of premature death. Everyone knows that through exercise, the body remains strong. Several studies have found a close correlation between long life and exercise, but this relationship becomes stronger if we are always in motion.
Studies done in
this way have been published in the British Medical Journal. In this study, researchers included 36,383 people from Britain and Europe, including middle-aged women and men. The researchers divided them into two categories. One group was asked to sit only, while the other group was asked to do household cooking, kitchen cleaning, gardening etc. Also, the body mass index (BMI) of the participants was measured and analyzed every day. During the study, researchers found that those who were more physically active were more healthy than those in the sedentary group, and that the risk of premature death of people in that group was 60 percent lower than the other group. Researchers said the study’s findings suggest that sitting empty is better than something that should work.
Alas, Professor Ulf Ekelud of the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences in Oslo said the study’s findings are quite encouraging. If only doing small things reduces the risk of untimely death then what else can be better. He said, ‘If you want to be healthy, then I will appeal to the people to leave laziness and use stairs instead of escalators. Use a bicycle instead of a bike.