How to Treat Constipation with Naturopathy – Jindal Hospital Bangalore
Constipation is one of the most annoying health issues. But luckily, it has some of the best natural methods available for healing and instant relief. Among all, naturopathy treatments offered by leading names like Jindal Naturopathy determine the main causes and suggest the best-suited remedial options. If you are also going through constipation, then keep on reading to know the natural remedies offered by naturopaths:
Leading Causes of Constipation
There are some common causes of constipation that we often neglect. Look at the following highlighted by popular naturopaths like Jindal Hospital Bangalore:
- Unhealthy eating habits are the biggest reason for constipation
- Less intake of water
- Consuming white sugar, instant oatmeal, flavored yogurt, pastries, cookies, and high-fructose items
- Bowel disorder
- Suppressing nature’s call
Tips to Avoid Constipation
Most of the naturopaths including Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore recommend a fiber-rich diet including apples, raspberries, lentils, pear, almonds, prunes, etc. to those who are having constipation. Furthermore, you are suggested the following:
- You must keep yourself hydrated for the absorption of the consumed fiber. For this, you must have at least 8 glasses of water
- Feeding your gut with healthy bacteria i.e. pro-biotic and pre-biotic is excessively important to streamline metabolic disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. You must consume items such as yogurt, kefir, idly, etc.
- Do not consume a broad spectrum of antibiotics as it may kill good bacteria too
- Perform yoga and meditation every day. You are advised to go yoga poses like cobra pose, chakrasana, triangle pose, and so on
Dietary Suggestions of Naturopathy for Constipation
By modifying your diet a bit, you can get instant relief from your constipation problem – Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore. This may include:
- Add green leafy veggies such as kale and spinach to your diet
- Include fiber-rich items i.e. prunes, pears, beans, figs, oatmeal, etc. in your diet
- You can also have raisins
- Take 1-2 teaspoons of psyllium seeds and dissolve them in water for 2-3 hours. Add some drops of lemon juice and honey before drinking
- Take flaxseeds for omega-3 healthy fats
- Drink an adequate amount of water daily, 8 glasses recommended
- Eat beetroot for anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
- You can also opt for some hot liquids like the decaffeinated or herbal team to boost phytonutrients
- A cup of coffee can also help you loosen up the bowel effects. However, you should avoid the overdose of the same
- Consume castor oil to stimulate the small as well as large intestines. You must drink it empty stomach and allow it 8 hours to work
Final Thoughts
A good naturopath i.e. Jindal Hospital Bangalore suggests patients with constipation a few important things so that they do not get constipation. You are advised not to force bowel movement as it can lead to anal fissures or hemorrhoids causing constipation. Lastly, do not suppress nature calls and always eat healthy and right. In case you are going through this issue, you must get in touch with a good naturopath to discuss everything before trying anything on your own.
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