Coronavirus How Coronavirus finally reached Chinese laboratory Corona, China trying to save the seafood market

How Coronavirus finally reached Chinese laboratory Corona, China trying to save the seafood market

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Coronavirus How Coronavirus finally reached Chinese laboratory Corona, China trying to save the seafood market
Why did this virus reach the Chinese laboratory? The curtain is yet to come out of this mystery. But a question is arising here that there is no Chinese seafood market behind the Chinese report.

A report in China says that the coronavirus has reached humans, not through the seafood market, but through its laboratory. Time will tell how much power China has in this matter, but some questions are instinctively raised here.

The first is what the virus was doing in China’s laboratory. Why did this virus reach the Chinese laboratory? The curtain is yet to come out of this mystery. But a question is arising here that there is no Chinese seafood market behind the Chinese report. Explain that there is a very large seafood market in Hubei, China in the world. It has a major contribution to the Chinese economy. In such a situation, China will try that Corona has no effect on this market.

Let us tell you that the coronavirus infection that started in Wuhan city of China is spreading fast all over the world. So far 425 people have died in China due to coronavirus.

More than 20 thousand people are vulnerable. The coronavirus has become a concern for the whole world. Now this disease has taken the form of an epidemic. In such a situation, China has said in its report that the virus did not come from the seafood market, but from its laboratory.

The laboratory is near Hunan Seafood Market

The Korana virus infection center is near Hunan Seafood Market. The Wuhan Institute of Virology National Biosafety Lab conducts research on deadly viruses. Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is just 32 kilometers from Hunan Seafood Market. It is also Lab Level 4 certified. Questions are being raised in all reports about the origin of the virus, but the Chinese government has kept quiet on it.

The Korana virus infection center is near Hunan Seafood Market. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is located at the National Biosafety Lab, which researches Ebola and other deadly viruses. Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is just 32 kilometers from Hunan Seafood Market. It is also Lab Level 4 certified. Questions are being raised in all reports about the origin of the virus, but the Chinese government has kept quiet on it.

The patient was admitted to the Jeddah private hospital in 2012

However, no evidence has yet been found as to whether the coronavirus originated as a result of any wrong Chinese usage. The online portal GreatGameIndia is also being investigated by linking the origin of the virus to two agents in Canada and the Chinese Biological Warfare Program. According to this report, on June 13, 2012, a 60-year-old Saudi man was admitted to a private hospital in Jeddah. He was in a fever for several days. He had trouble breathing. The unknown coronavirus was detected in her lungs by the Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohammed Jackie.

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