Garlic tea has many properties ranging from reducing obesity to increasing immunity.

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Not a little to hear, it will feel very strange and some people may have shrugged their nose and mouth after imagining its taste, but when you know the benefits of this tea, there is no doubt in replacing it with morning tea Will hesitate. 
If you do not know, then know now that garlic contains a large amount of anti-biotic elements. 
Which are very beneficial for your body. 
Most importantly, they increase our immunity, without which we cannot fight diseases. 
By the way, we use garlic only in lentils and vegetables, but apart from this you can also make garlic tea and drink it. 
Garlic tea prevents problems such as heart and cancer. 
So let’s get its other benefits as well as the method of making it.
Ingredients for making tea
1 teaspoon honey, 1 pinch chopped ginger, 1 garlic bud, 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon lemon juice
Put the water to boil and then grind the chopped ginger and garlic in it. 
Allow this mixture to boil after 10 minutes. 
After this, turn off the gas and let the mixture cool down. 
After cooling down, sieve this mixture and serve it by mixing equal quantity of lemon juice with one spoon of honey.
Benefits of garlic tea
People who are troubled by obesity. 
This tea is very beneficial for them. 
Toxins are removed from the body due to its consumption and extra fat does not accumulate. 
Which does not increase your weight. 
Rich in antibiotic properties, this tea also prevents problems like colds and colds. 
Along with improving blood circulation, this tea also controls cholesterol levels. The most important garlic prevents free radicals from growing in your body. 
Due to this, the chances of getting cancer also decrease to a great extent. 
By consuming garlic tea in this way, you can live a healthy life for a long time.
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