Frozen planets like earth could support life for human beings

Toronto, Patri. Earth-like planets are the most favorable planet for life in our solar system. Scientists are constantly studying the possibility of life on other planets.
Now a new study claims that some areas may be worth living on Earth-shaped icy planets.
For a long time, scientists have been thinking that life can not be possible only on frozen shaped planets like Earth because the ocean present on these planets is frozen and eliminates the chances of extreme cold life.
The new study challenges our thinking in which we feel that life can not be possible in extremely cold and hot planets.
According to a new study published in the Geophysical Research Journal, living temperatures in the areas near the equatorial regions of the icy planets may also exist.
These planets may be worth living
Astro Paradise, astrology and physicist at the University of Toronto, Canada, said that in our quest, there are some such planets that are snowy.
Traditionally they can not be considered worthy, but the new study suggests that perhaps those planets may be worth living.
Researchers have said that these habitable areas are affected by the specific distance of a star, due to which the temperature can be present in normal and water liquid state.
Earth has gone through the snowy state
Researchers have said that our earth has passed two to three times the Ice Age, but still, life is saved here. Micro animals survive even in the Ice Age.
The leading author of the study, Paradise, told that the earth was worth living even during its ice age. Life here flourished before the glacial era. It survived the ice age and after that.
A study was done by a computer model
Scientists resorted to computer programs to study the causes of living conditions in the icy planets, in which models were developed based on the presence of sunlight and the size of the regions.
The most important thing on which scientists paid attention as carbon dioxide. Because of carbon dioxide, the planetary heat remains the same and climate change also happens.
Carbon dioxide also required
Without carbon dioxide, the ocean of planets gets accumulated, they become lifeless. When atmospheric carbon dioxide levels decrease, then the planet becomes snowball i.e.
But when these planets have sunlight, then the possibility of becoming ice water in their surrounding areas becomes stronger.
According to the researchers, it can be said on the basis that life on snowy planets can be possible.