Do these 4 cool down exercises for body recovery after hard work

Feeling tired after a lot of workouts or hard work is normal, but sometimes this tiredness has a bad effect on the body. It is important to cool down for body recovery after hard work. Know about some exercises that work in it …
1. Cat-cow pose
You must do this exercise after daily workouts, it is considered to be very good for the spine, neck, hips, stomach and back. Additionally, it also prevents the risk of injury during workouts. To do this, place the palms on the ground and keep the knees on the ground, that is, come in a cow-like position. Wait a few seconds, now try to lift the back up and tilt the neck down, then try to lift the chest down. Do this process about 15 to 20 times.
2. Seated Twist
This exercise is good for spinal and lower back. Pain is also relieved by doing this. You can easily do this by sitting on the ground. Sit with the legs straight in front. Cross the right leg to the left. As you do this, bend the right knee so that the right leg remains flat on the ground. Sit upright and keep your right hand back. Now take a breath and raise your left hand. While exhaling slowly, bring the hands over the right thigh. Hold for as long as you can, and keep breathing. Feel the stretch and then change the side.
3. Lower Back Rotational Stretch
Do this exercise daily to finish the lower back pain and keep the muscles fit. To do this, first of all lie the back hair on the ground. Now bring the knees up and keep the feet flat on the floor. When you keep the shoulders glued to the ground, turn the knees to the right, do not lift the shoulders, stop a little, then switch sides. Do as many repetitions as you want.
4. Planck to Scorpion Reach
Do this exercise daily to keep shoulders, waist, lower body and back fine. Come to the straight-arm plank position. Breathe in and move your right knee to the left wrist as far as you can, now release the breath and move that right leg up and back. During this time your head should remain between the arms. Do whatever you want, as long as you want. Then repeat it with the left leg.
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