Do these 4 cardio exercises at home without any equipment to stay fit and fine.

You will know how to do them.
Although the gym or yoga centers have been allowed to open again under the unlock process, there is still some downside to people visiting such places. In such a situation, we have brought information about some cardio workouts that can be easily done at home without any equipment help.
1. Pop Squat
If you are starting to do cardio workouts then you can start at home with pop squat, which is quite beneficial. To do this, first of all, stand up straight with your feet wide on the ground, now bring both hands to the namaste position and try to jump to some height. When you jump and come down, do not stop but go down to the sitting position and touch the ground with one hand. After this, bring the hands back to the previous position. Now stand up and jump at 180 degrees, in this way you will turn to the other side, now repeat the same process again, first do it slowly, you can accelerate it when the balance starts to form.
2. Plock Hop
For this cardio workout, first get into a position with pushups and straighten your hands against the ground. Now try to bring the lower body or legs forward to the right, ie bring your feet near the right elbow. Keep in mind that in this you will need to jump a little feet. After coming back to the previous position, try to jump again towards the second ie left elbow and bring the legs to that place. Do this 20 times.
3. Modified Pushups Walk
Keep your feet separated from the hip width on the ground and bend down. Place both hands on the floor and move the hands forward into the pushup position. In this position your hips should be fully uplifted and the entire body should be stretched. After this, try to come back with your hands. When you reach near your toes, stand up straight.
4. Squat thrust
Stand straight on the ground, keep your feet at the width of the hips and bend down, keeping both hands on the floor, bring the feet lightly to the ground, now squat, push the feet backward into the push-up position and then Stand back straight. This is the easiest and fun exercise for your cardio workout, which you can easily do.
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