Do not be disturbed by the changes in the second trimester of pregnancy, keep these things in mind.

If you spent the first three months well after taking care of some precautions, then for the next three months you will not have to face too many problems. But during this time also do not take any kind of carelessness. So know what things pregnant women should take care of in the second trimester, so that the health of the child along with the mother should be healthy.
second quarter
At this time the woman feels good. Mood is also good, because vomiting, morning sickness and other problems no longer occur. However, due to increasing the size of the stomach, there may be pain in the back and thigh.
Changes to be made
1 – In the second trimester of pregnancy, the breast size also increases like other parts of the body. Milk-producing glands develop in the breast.
2 – Bracken Hicks starts to stretch, it is also called prodromal labor. During this time the contraction in the muscles of the uterus starts.
3 – Due to hormonal changes, blood can also come from the nose. During this time blood circulation increases in the body, due to which blood comes from the nose. If this happens, always keep your head straight, do not tilt backwards to stop the bleeding. Wash your nose with cold water.
4 – There is more hunger in the second quarter. So keep in mind that what you eat is nutritious and balanced. Because weight can also increase.
5 – Take sufficient milk and high protein diet. Take 1 big spoken pulse, it will not cause swelling in the body. There will also be anemia. Protein also helps in making blood.
At this time you will need extra calcium and iron, because baby bones and teeth develop during this time. – Do not let the fiber shortage so that constipation problem does not occur.
– Do not lift anything by bending it suddenly. Pay attention to your posture while getting up and sitting. Put a cushion to support the back.
– Do not let the body lack water.
If you have to go somewhere outside, then you can travel safely these days.
Routine checkups
-BP test and urine test to know protein level.
-This trimester has two injections of tetanus toxide at intervals of four to six weeks.
– Ultrasound scan to check the physical development of the infant.
Blood sugar test, thyroid test (to find out if it is under control), is a hemoglobin test.
Get dental checkup and physiotherapy done.
– In the second trimester it is necessary to increase the weight of the child by half to one kg per month.
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