Data Story: Oxygen demand increased by 795% in Nepal and 441% in Sri Lanka in April-May, know India’s position
In Corona, the demand for oxygen in many countries of the world suddenly increased. Talking about the figures for April-May 2021, the demand for medical oxygen in India has more than doubled. But the second wave of corona had increased the demand for oxygen manifold in the surrounding countries, even more than in India. Particularly in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Vietnam, the percentage of oxygen demand has increased significantly.
According to Every Breath Count and The Bureau Investigative Journalism, the rate of corona infection in India was at its highest in these two months (April-May). Especially in May, it was at its peak. In these two months, this life-giving gas was used in large quantities in hospitals and homes. But gradually the cases of corona increased in other countries as well and the demand for medical oxygen increased there too.
Demand at peak in Nepal and Sri Lanka
The largest increase in the demand for medical oxygen was in Nepal and Sri Lanka, 795 percent and 441 percent, respectively. The rate of infection per capita here was also the highest in Asia. Talking about India, the demand for medical oxygen here increased by 118 percent. This increase in oxygen demand was also seen in other Asian countries Afghanistan (154 percent), Malaysia (99 percent), Thailand (149 percent), Vietnam (457 percent), and Cambodia (127 percent).
Talking about Vietnam, there was no more infection of coronavirus here, but earlier there were very few cases, which suddenly increased. Due to this the demand for oxygen has increased manifold. In Thailand and Cambodia, there was a wave of infection as well as the demand for oxygen.
India’s impact on neighboring countries
Researchers had already described oxygen as essential for the treatment of the coronavirus and also warned of an increase in demand. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism also said this in its report. According to the report, when the demand for oxygen in the country increased, India banned the export. This affected the neighboring countries which were dependent on India for oxygen. The same is the case with vaccination. Nepal and Sri Lanka still have comparatively low vaccination rates. This has made them more vulnerable.
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