Corona Virus

Coronavirus Updates In India: Corona virus remains present in the body for so many days, know how long you should stay away from repaired people

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You will know many types of information and instructions to avoid corona virus, but now a new disclosure has been made by doctors, which you must know.

Corona Virus

The corona virus has spread throughout the country at this time. So far 57 deaths have occurred due to this infection. At the same time, the number of people infected with the virus in the country has increased to 2,093. At the same time, 171 people have been cured of this disease. When a medical study was done on people recovering from infection, a shocking report has come out.

In fact, after fully recovering the infected people, the doctors did a study on such people and after that there were some results which you must know about.

People infected with the corona virus are being treated all over the world and many of those who are getting timely treatment are also completely cured by it. Looking at these recovered people, a study was done by doctors that how many days a patient can spread the virus after infection. However, earlier it was said that the infected person remained in quarantine for 14 days after recovery. But according to the latest report, it can prove to be a dangerous step.

Where is the report released from The number of patients recovering from corona virus is small, but there are frequent studies on these so that an antidode of corona virus can be made. A study released on the American Thoracic Society gives complete information on this. The report published in the name of Diagnosis and Management of Kovid-19 Diseases has been reported. The report said that a person infected with any corona virus will not only recover a quarantine time of up to 14 days after being cured, but it also carries the risk of spreading the infection.

The corona virus patient is advised to stay in quarantine for about 14 days after recovering. But you would be surprised to know one more thing that the corona virus patient remains in the body for several days after its recovery. Yes, doctors have given information about this by studying that the virus remains in the body even 8 days after the corona virus is cured. At the same time, flu-like symptoms can remain in his body for 14 days.

People cured of corona virus infection should take special care and after getting a test report that they have fully recovered, even after being discharged from the hospital for at least 20 days Should remain quarantine. By doing this, people who have been cured of the corona virus can protect healthy people from infection as well as prevent the infection from spreading.

Looking at the corona virus infection, more research needs to be done on it so that some other things can be found out that when a person is cured of corona virus infection, is he vulnerable to infection again Can come or not? Along with this, after the virus is completely cured of the infection, what things should the infected person take care of? There is a need to study this in detail on which the team of doctors is continuously working.

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