Coriander leaf tea helps to cure fever, learn similar home remedies
Many times it happens that people take light fever lightly and without consulting the doctor, without chemists, they are satisfied with a pain killer or a fever pill. But it can be difficult to do this. Nowadays, the fever is at all peak. Many children in Bihar have come up with this fever. Therefore, do not take a generalized fever lightly and contact the doctor.
The body temperature increases in fever and body pain also occur. There is nothing to eat and drink. In the fever, medical treatment is essential, but apart from this, some home remedies can also provide relief in fever.

Let us know about these home remedies:
1- Fever reduces the body’s water in the fever. The fluids present in the body come out through toilets. So take plenty of water and other liquids.
2- Many people think that the temperature of the body will be reduced by stripping the person suffering from fever or by straining it with cold water. But doing this can be dangerous. In the event of a fever, take the patient with cold water or instead of using an ice pack, take a bath with light hot water. This will make the body temperature normal.
3-Having a bath, armpit, neck, paro soles and hands on the hands also benefit greatly.
4- Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee because there is fever because they have dehydration problem in the body.
5- Basil: Basil i.e. basil leaves are considered effective in reducing fever. Tulsi has medicinal properties, due to which it has been used in the treatment of fever and infections besides colds and coughs. Drink a tulsi tea twice a day after the fever and eat them even after boiling in water. There will be considerable benefits.
6 Garlic: Its heat is hot and it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal elements which keep the infection away and also help reduce body temperature.
7- Coriander leaf tea: Do you know that coriander leaf also helps in reducing a fever? Coriander leaf has been used for the treatment of fever, vomiting, and vibration for centuries. For this, coriander leaves can be boiled in water and taken as a decoction. Apart from this, tea can also be cooked by making tea. Boil coriander leaves in a cup of water to make tea. Squeeze 1 teaspoon honey and one lemon. Allow some time to cook and then filter and drink. However, it is important to note that pregnant women do not drink coriander leaf tea at all in the fever, otherwise the mischief can occur.